Kupang Lontong

Kupang Lontong
pic taken from : http://jagomakan.blogspot.com

Kupang Lontong is a typical coast food traditionally from East Java. This food consists of rice cake mixed with the kupang broth (a kind of oyster/the small shellfish), and it's served with petis (black fermented shrimp paste), fried onions, and squeeze of lime. Beside that, accordance with the customer taste, kupang lontong also served with the chili whim.

Two "good friends" of kupang lontong are sate kerang (one kind of satay which made of shellfish) and es degan or es kelapa muda (beverage made of young coconut). Why they called "good friends"? Because usually the seller of kupang lontong also sells them. Kupang lontong is incomplete without sate kerang. And es degan, beside as beverage, is useful for people who is allergic to kupang because the young coconut can neutralize the toxic in kupang's body.

Sate Kerang
pic taken from : http://seno.or.id/images/sate-kerang.jpg

Es Degan
pic taken from : http://mudik3.blogspot.com

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